Friday, 11 February 2011

February 2011 Report

Hi everyone, here's what we've been doing so far ...

On last weekend of January we loaded up the horses and set off for Bishop Burton's British Eventing Jumping and Style competition! 

We had Louis (Kellys Lad) entered in the BE90, this would be the first event on his record so we were hoping for a good result.  He was very excited when we got there and showed this by putting in some quite big bucks in the warm up!  He thought the cows in the barn next to the warm up arena were very scarey!  He soon settled down though and showed a very mature attitude for his 5 years by jumping a lovely double clear over some fairly spooky jumps and gaining a style mark of 21 with 3 time faults on the xc so finishing on 24.  We were really pleased with him and he ended up in 3rd place overall.  Not bad for his first 'official' event!

Beanie (Donnermere) was entered in the Novice section.  After finishing the 2010 season with some strong placings we were hoping for a positive start to the season and he didn't disappoint!  He jumped a fab double-clear with an amazing style mark of 1 and only 2 time faults to add, finishing on a total mark of 3 and winning the section by a huge 13 point margin over 2nd place!!!

A very successful day with both horses qualifying for the finals at Addington!

Horses all going well, Louis has been going to BSJA competitions, and he has been jumping fab round British Novice and Discovery classes getting some double clears on his record and winning a little bit of money!  He has also been to dressage a few times and the Judges seem to really like him.

Beanie has started going to the gallops again (which he loves) to fitten up for the event season.  He loves galloping with mum's horse!  We took him showjumping training yesterday to Richmond Equestrian Centre and he jumped amazing! I have spent a lot of time over the Winter working on the quality of his canter and rythmn which seems to be paying off in his jumping. I am having a Dressage lesson with Ian Woodhead on Monday evening who has been helping me with my flatwork, so hopefully I can get some even better scores this year.

As soon as it dries up, we will be cross country schooling with the horses so I will let you know how that goes.

Feel free to leave any comments.

Phoebe Powell and the eventing team.

Louis- BE90:

Beanie- Novice:

Welcome to my blog ......

Hi everyone,  I hope you like my new website and welcome to my blog!  Here I will keep you all updated with the latest results, training, the run down from our events, and all the goings on at home on the yard. 

Only 4 weeks to go until the first event of the season and I can't wait to get going!  The horses are starting to lose their weight gained in the bad weather in December when we couldn't get any work into them and they spent most of their day eating, eating and more eating in their stables!  They are now back working and competing and starting to feel like eventers and not retired horses.

Keep visiting my website and follow the progress of the horses through the season.   Please feel free to leave any comments on the website.

Phoebe Powell and the eventing team.